Monday, November 22, 2010

Frankenstein- Preface to Letter IV

  • Gothic theme already shown- 'cold and rainy' and the theme of ghost stories.
  • Why does it say that the novel is Percy Shelley's?
  • Sets the tone.
Letter I:
  • Gothic theme of dreams/nightmares. 'day dreams became more fervent and vivid'.
  • Creates a tense atmosphere- 'danger of death'. Foreshadowing of danger/peril?
  • A possible use of the gothic theme of heaven and hell, as there is alot of heavenly imagery used. e.g. 'perpetual splendour'.
  • What is Walton doing there? Reader starts to question his part in the novel? But the letters add a more personal touch, drawing them into the story.
Letter II:
  • Walton is lonely, and he tells Margeret that he has no friends- reader feels sympathy for him (maybe showing similarites to the monster later on?)
  • 'the madly desirous of glory'. Ambition seems to be a strong theme in the letters.
Letter III:
  • Another use of ambition in the Gothic Nature: 'What can stop the determined heart and resolved will of man?'

Letter IV:
  • Again, use of weather is a gothic theme. 'a  very thick fog'.
  • Mystery surrounding the 'old man'. Who is he? What is he doing there?
  • 'Oh unhappy man! Do you share my madness? Have you drunk also of the intoxicating draft?'. Walton notices similarities with Victor. Sharing the thirst for knowledge?

1 comment:

  1. Good, concise comments. Pick out romantic references as you read on.
