Dr Faustus Reading Journals- Significance of Acts 1 to 5
Act One:
- Opens with Chorus (more similar to Greek Tragedies than Gothic).
- Sets up the themes i.e. Icarus- the ambition related to this is also an element of the Gothic.
- References to necromancy and religion- Anti Catholicism? Atheist Views?
- Juxtaposition between dark scenes and comic scenes.
- Mephistopheles as a Friar- Jibe at Catholicism.
Act Two:
- Heaven/Hell. Shows how people view hell. Mephistopheles thinks earth is hell.
- Angels leave- conscience gone too?
- 7 deadly sins.
- Comic Scene interrupts the tense scene.
Act Three:
- Chorus- summarises/covers alot of information.
- Scenes fo quite quickly- reflects how fast the 24 years are passing? How Faustus wastes his years?
- Pope (holiness). Mephistopheles (Evil). Mockery of religion?
Act Four:
- Morality plays (Faustus doesn't gain anything from selling his soul to the devil).
- Comedy scenes show Marlowe's atheism.
- Faustus beginning to show realisaton that his has made a mistake?
Act Five:
- Last Supper (Faustus with his disciples (scholars)). Acts like a 'Jesus'. Marlowe's atheism- happy to mock religion.
- Faustus' magic- christ's miracles.
- Calvinism (Some people are predestined to go to hell). Explains absence of God?
- Suicide- ultimate sin? Rejecting God's gift of life, so God won't save him from his pact?
- Suicide because he rejects each chance to repent - doesn't try to help himself.
- 'Despair'
- Seven Deadly Sins:
- Lust- Helen of Troy
- Greed- Knowledge etc.
- Gluttony- 'glutted more with learning's golden gifts'
- Pride- 'self-conceit'
- Sloth- Doesn't actually acheive anything in the twenty four years
- Envy- Envious of God's power?
- Wrath- Towards the old man.
are there any answers to these questions?